That means ending wars that are so useless. Over 4 trillion dollars has been wasted in the Iraq and Afganistan wars. How can the budget deficits be addressed with than kind of money being poured something that is so wasteful. The American people want the wars ended.
The other critical area that the American want to see results in is the economy. Its obvious America has lost its manufacturing base to its economic competators such as China. The question is how to get it back.
When the magical,mistical Dr.Obama campaigned he said this was going to be a top prioity in his administration. And yet he had done very little to address this problem. On an important campaign promise of ending government subsidies to companies who manufacture overseas Dr.Obama has completely reversed himself. He now supports these subsidies for American companies who manufacture overseas. While the government shouldnt interfere with companies who decide its more cost effective to manufacture overseas it also shouldnt subsidize them as is now the case.
Government subsidies must be completely stopped to American companies who manufacture overseas. Dr.Obama said he would end these government handouts to wealthy corporations and so far he has done nothing.
That means ending wars that are so useless. Over 4 trillion dollars has been wasted in the Iraq and Afganistan wars. How can the budget deficits be addressed with than kind of money being poured something that is so wasteful. The American people want the wars ended.
The other critical area that the American want to see results in is the economy. Its obvious America has lost its manufacturing base to its economic competators such as China. The question is how to get it back.
When the magical,mistical Dr.Obama campaigned he said this was going to be a top prioity in his administration. And yet he had done very little to address this problem. On an important campaign promise of ending government subsidies to companies who manufacture overseas Dr.Obama has completely reversed himself. He now supports these subsidies for American companies who manufacture overseas. While the government shouldnt interfere with companies who decide its more cost effective to manufacture overseas it also shouldnt subsidize them as is now the case.
Government subsidies must be completely stopped to American companies who manufacture overseas. Dr.Obama said he would end these government handouts to wealthy corporations and so far he has done nothing.
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