AND SO FAR NOT MUCH HAS CHANGED: People want change but wont invest in making it happen. They dont pay attention to government. And they are supposed to own it. And the government does belong to the people. But if the people dont care and are neglegent in overseeing their government then you get the kind of mess this country is in right now. The truth is people pay more attention to sports or other entertainment then their own government. So if government dosent work then whose fault is it? The people running it or the people who the government belongs to.
In Detroit which is been plagued by mass corruption the newly elected city counsel and mayor paid homage to Detroit's mafia boss Mike Illich before they took office.
Detroit now has become a fudel society with the mafia bosses as the leaders and the average citizen the surfs. How did this happen? People neglected their government and had little if any interest in poltics. The Mafia stepped in and took over. They did well but the city in now unlivable.
Casino gambling has been a boon to the mafia even though its destroyed Detroit. But the people like it and follow the lead of the Mafia bosses. Illich has brought winning hockey and baseball to Detroit and thats what matters most to the citizens of Detroit. People have lost their jobs and houses but they have winning sports teams and that is what they respect.
Until things change with the average person this country has a bleak future. Change must start with the individual citizen then everything else will follow. The people must lead and the politicians will follow.
THE DETROIT TIMES STOCK TRADING RECOMMENDATIONS: Dell has been a beaten down stock but looks like it ready to rally. Its worth owning
In Detroit which is been plagued by mass corruption the newly elected city counsel and mayor paid homage to Detroit's mafia boss Mike Illich before they took office.
Detroit now has become a fudel society with the mafia bosses as the leaders and the average citizen the surfs. How did this happen? People neglected their government and had little if any interest in poltics. The Mafia stepped in and took over. They did well but the city in now unlivable.
Casino gambling has been a boon to the mafia even though its destroyed Detroit. But the people like it and follow the lead of the Mafia bosses. Illich has brought winning hockey and baseball to Detroit and thats what matters most to the citizens of Detroit. People have lost their jobs and houses but they have winning sports teams and that is what they respect.
Until things change with the average person this country has a bleak future. Change must start with the individual citizen then everything else will follow. The people must lead and the politicians will follow.
THE DETROIT TIMES STOCK TRADING RECOMMENDATIONS: Dell has been a beaten down stock but looks like it ready to rally. Its worth owning
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