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Saturday, May 30, 2009

The World According To Brooks

Brooks Patterson is Oakland County Michigan's Chief Executive and biggest promoter. Brooks while a good administrator occasionally goes off on a tangient that even Brooks dosent understand. A few years back Brooks championed the cause of building a garbage incinerator in North Oakland County. Brooks a good political salesmen backed building this incinerator with his heart and sole even though it made absolutely no sense to build it.
Oakland County is know for its beautiful lakes which would have been polluted with lead had the incinerator been built. Brooks because of his excellent salemenship did get the voters to approve funding for the incinerator. The incinerator because of the force of Brooks personality was well on its way to getting built.
Then one angry north Oakland County woman stepped in and tripped up Brooks and his backers and stopped the incinerator cold . Marilyn Ristow convinced Larry Pernick a well liked infleuntial Oakland County Commisisoner that the incinerator would harm and pollute the area. Pernick althought the voters had voted to fund the project convinced the other County Commissioners to veto it.
A short time later because of recyling and the over building of incinerators and new land fills there was suddenly a gargage shortage. Michigan in order to feed the incinerators that had already been built was forced to import gargage from other states. When it became obvious that the proposed Oakland County incinerator would have been a giant waste of 750 million dollars of public money Brooks calmly said he wasnt really for the incinerator after all.
And now Brooks has championed another cause that makes about as much sense as the incinerator. Brooks thinks it high time that the state spend hundreds of millions of dollars renovating and rebuilding Cobo Hall for the yearly Automoible Show that usually lasts about ten days. Never mind the government now owns the automobile companies because they went bankrupt and that state is broke with a 13% unemployment rate. Detroit and Michigan have the highest rate of children living in poverty of any big city in North America. And yet Brooks is still pushing,promoting and championing a new convention center for metro Detroit inspite of there being no funds for it.
Detroit has no libraries,minimal bus service,a fire department without equipment or gas for the trucks and a skeleton police crew but Brooks demands that a new convention center be built. The only question for Brooks is this proposed new Convention Center for Detroit another Oakland County type incinerator project. Because if it is this may be the straw that broke the camels back. This project could make the entire state follow in General Motors foot path to bankruptcy.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Chrysler and Gm Dealerships Shouldn't Be Closed

Its very premature to close car dealerships when the car companies arent yet making anything to sell. Chrysler and Gm have no product. That isnt the dealerships fault. In the long run Gm and Chrysler may not be saving money by closing dealerships but losing customers. American consumers like buying cars from dealerships that are close to where they live. Toyota made a superior product at a better price which is why they didnt need as many dealerships.
Job one right now for the automobile companies is to put in place a management team that can create product. Closing car dealerships that employ people should be way down the list of things to do.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

What Is Behind California's Decline

A WEAK GOVERNOR,AN INEPT AND INEXPERIECNED LEGISLATURE AND GREEDY REAL ESTATE DEVELOPES ARE DESTROYING CALIFORNIA: It turns out Arnie the terminator has a glass jaw and cant take the punishing confrontation thats needed for ending the budget crisis. Arnie may have sounded great when he was campaigning but so far as governor he has been unable to lead and make the deals needed for long term solutions. Arnie is a shill for big business like the state legislatures and takes direction from the lobbyists who take orders from the construction companies and real estate developers who pay for the elections. So consequently there are many costly ,unnecescary projects built in California. And that is the cause of California's budget problems. Arnies solution is no solution. He basicaly has gone after the states most vulneralbe citizens. He wants to slash health insurance and other programs that benefit children.
So currently there isnt a poltical leader to guide the state out of this crisis. Gov Arnie is a duck out of water when it comes to politicing and governing the state and the legistature is a junior high class with no adult supervision. The way public officials are elected must change. The special interest groups that pay for the elections pick the winning candidates. And that isnt working. Just look at Detroit and California.
LOS ANGELES: This is the epicenter for the financial mess plauging California. The mayor Antiono Vee the love machine let the real estate deveopers who paid for his campaign loot the cities treausrey. Since they cant pay the money back there is a 585 million dollar deficit. The solution is simple. Mayor Vee should just raise taxes and parking tickets and leave the poor real estate developers alone. Developer Related Cos owes millions to the city. Since they paid for Mayor Vee's campaign expenses it would be unfair of them to pay the fines they owe the city.
WHATS COOKING IN BEVERLY HILLS: The new hotel is up an running and certainly is the toast of the town. Its basically just a couple steps above a Holdiay Inn. However its still a big success. Lets at least hope so for the sake of the Beverly Hills taxpayers who paid for the hotel. The question is: Is the hotel paying for itself? Proably not. And a stunning piece of archeticture was destroyed to build that plain looking speciman of drywall. The old building brought people into the city. The new one cant even pay for itself.
GM'S BANKRUPTCY: That is the best thing for America and the company. Phil Murtaugh made Gm a success in China and should be the one to lead the company. He knows how to create product.
THE STOCK MARKET: Some of the best stock market timers are very bullish on the market. As the automoibile companies start getting strong the whole economy will benefit. There will be troubled waters along the way. In the coming weeks the market could take a big hit.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Fords Benefited From The Depression

FORD IS NOW THE MAIN U.S AUTOMOBILE COMPANY: The slow methodical approach Ford has taken is working. In the fall Ford will have a car that no on other company has. A family size sedan that gets the same gas milage as an economy car. Fords hasnt been the leading American company since the 1920's when Gm challenged the model T.
THE BANKERS ARE SUCH HIPOCRATES. Can you imgine changing the terms of your loan after you got the money. And telling the bank you dont like the terms and want to cut the interest rates. Sounds crazy? Well that is exactly what the banks want the Federal government to do. They want to pay back their loans with out honoring the stock warrents that they gave the government for bailing them out. Those people live in a much differnt world.
BUTCH WAGONER BELONGS IN JAIL: Gm's former chairmen Butch "Dog Face" Wagoner lied to investors and viiolated SEC regulatins about Gm's condition. He did it to save his job and not the company. He certainly dosent deserve severance pay. He should be going to jail.
GM'S FUTURE: The government owning Gm is a good idea. It should be nationalized in the begining to make sure its run correctly. The key to turning it around is getting the right management team in place. And the government must own Gm to insure that it happens. A good thing the government did is to force the auto companies to become greener and more fuel efficent. Wagoner's decesion to concentrate on SUVS instead of fuel efficent cars was the final blow that tko'd the company.
OBAMAS STIMULUS PACKAGE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE STOCK MARKET RALLY: It is a good stimulus package but its like a battery getting jumped. Its not a perment fix. Rebuilding the manufacturing base and the automile companies is the permenant solution.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Obama Administation Is Getting Sloppy

It was reported in the Huffington Post that Gm's deposed Chairmen Butch Wagoner was still on the payroll and could receive $20 million in severance pay. In the mean time his protege Skip Henderson is still running the company. How is that giving the company a new begining? Whats up?
Obama's rescue of America's autobile companies is going as slow as molasis. If the car companies are going to be saved Obmam is going to have to move quicker and he has to be willing to take bigger risks. Leaving Skip Henderson in there is wasting time. Its sickening to think Butch Wagoner is still being paid by Gm. This is the guy who recked the company and now is getting a government paycheck for his efforts. He should be in jail. He lied to investors. What he did makes Martha Stewart look like girl scout.
Dr.Obamam is about to appoint a mafia princess to the supreme cout. Jennifer Granholm is competely controlled by that mafia cocksucker Mike Illich. Illich has stolen hundreds of million form the cities tresury and shouldnt be allowed to influence a pick for the Supreme Court.
Big money put Obama in office and it looks like that who is running the government

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Detroit Times Trading Recomendations

Take the profits today in the Lowes (LOW) trade we recommended 2 days ago.
THE STOCK MARKET;There could be a pretty good size dip in the market over the next week or two.
GOLD; It has traded sideways after we predicted a steep drop. The big drop never materialized and gold may now start going up and ralling. There was a dip in gold and we made money on it when we shorted Newmont Mining(nem)and took a good profit quickley. We have no bets on gold currently. Deflation is gold's biggest enemy. And if it comes as some analyists have predicted then gold will hit much lower levels. The collapse in housing is certainly very deflationary.
THE AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY:New management for Gm should be quickley put in place. We reccomend Phil Murtaugh. He is responsibe for Gm's success in China.
CALIFORNIA:A REVOLT IN THE MAKING Los Angeles mayor Antonio(the love machine)Vee dosent have the respect of the people. He wasnt elected but installed by the ruling junta that controls Los Angeles.
DETROIT:The Detroit News had an excellent article yesterday on Robinwood St. It showed footage in living color the neighbohood blight that covers the city. The new mayor has so far has surrounded himself by thugs and incompetents. What next for Detroit? A resident recently said about Detroit,"Everytime you think it cant get anyworse its gets worse.
THE DEPRESSION: The economic numbers are going to be bad for a long time even Gentle Ben(Bernacke) admits that now. The President has to move quickley in restoring our manufacturing base. Globalization has ruined the economy.
THE SUPREME COURT;Jennifer Granholm Michigan's mafia conrolled governor is likely to be the next the Supreme Court Justice. The mafia once called bigger then U.S.Steel is still going strong while US Steel closed. The mafia because of its size and economic clout is entitled is to have representaion on the court and Granholm has done a yeomans job of representing their interests in Michigan. GOod pick for the court.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The U.S. Automobile Industry Is The Key To Starting The Economy

The depression will end when the American automobile industry is back selling cars. When that will happen is anyones guess. A lot of restructing has to be done. But things are still taking longer than they should.
The most important thing that can done now is getting a mangement team in place that is competent. The Obama administration has settled on Fiat to run Chryslers. A once troubled company that was turned around . But is Fiat really the best choice to be running Chrysler? What if there are problems and Fiat cant fix them because it dosent understand the American market? That is why it would have been better if the government had nationlized the company. Because if there were big problems the government could step in quickley and deal with them.
What Obama is doing now is giving a foreign company a free stake in an important American company and then fiancining that purchase. Maybe we should throw in Michigan to sweeten the deal.
In Gm's case Obama should quickley force them into bankruptcy and get rid of Skooch Henderson. Skooch Henderson is a carbon copy of deposed Chairmen Butch Wagoner.
Leaving Henderson in there is wasting time and money. Phil Murtaugh who is responsible for Gm's success in China is the best choice to run Gm.
After Gm is nationlized and they install new managment I think things will move much faster. Because time is definitly running out. The government could run out of money before the economy improves which would be a disaster.
P.S. Gm is owned now by the government and they arent leaving Detroit. Skooch Henderson was just breaking wind when he told everyone Gm was could move from Detroit.
He will be leaving the company soon and dosent have the authority to make such statements.
THE DETROIT TIMES TRADING TIPS: Today was a good day for selling or shorting Lowes as we recommended yesterday

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Detroit Times Trading Recomendation

lowes companies (low) should be shorted tommorrow. Lowes is a good company to sell and take a short term profit when it is there

Saturday, May 09, 2009

The Solution To Californias Money Problems

The governor and state legislators must show leadership and get state workers to take a big wage cut. The money to pay the big wages just isnt there anymore. Raising taxes or cutting back services isnt fair to the people of California who are already over taxed . Governor Arnie must do something he has yet to do since he has been governor and thats show leadership. He must force his appointees to take a 20% wage cut. What Gov. Arnie instead has done has cut workers pay at the bottom of the wage scale. The President was right to admonish him for doing this and punnishing those earning the least.
Gov.Arnie must stop threatning people and get down and be a leader. These threats to cut services and let prisoners out of jail is only causing a backlash among voters.
While the states employees are dedicated public servents the money just isnt there any more to pay them the big dollar.
The state legislature which is the greediest most selfish,incomptent group of representives in years must cut their salaries by the same 20% as the governors staff and appointees. They must set an example for the rest of the states public servents.
The voters should vote against the Governors tax increase proposals. All Of them. Raising taxes isnt an option in a state where the people are already overtaxed.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Michigan and Its Children Must Be Saved

The people of Michigan can not govern themselves and before the states children are harmed any more the state must revert back to a teritory that is run by the Federal governmnet. Virtually all of the states elected leaders are controlled by the mafia.
Graft,corrpution, poor leadership and bad government have sapped the states financial resources. People are leaving Michigan in recored numbers. Although its one of the cheapest places to live people cant get out fast enough. The states economy is in shambles and many of the states children are living close to or in poverty.
The states governor Little Miss Mafia Princess herself Jennifer Granholm catters to the interests of her mafia backers instead of governering the state in the best interests of the poeple. There is tremondous mismangement and corrpution in the state because of the mafia's influnence over her. She appointed Art Blackwell a known corrpupt poltician to oversee the finances of Highland Park. That was like putting the fox in charge of overseeing the chickens. And guess what? The fox ate the chickens he was supposed to be looking out for.
Blackwell was recently removed from office because of overpaying himself for his work in Highland Park. It wasnt Littles Mafia Princess Granholms office that investigated but a concerned private citizen that caught Blackwell's overpayments.
Because Michigan and its people are suffering so greatly from the mafia's control over the state it must revert back to a territory that is run by the federal government. If nothing is done Michigan will become even more of a no mans land then it already is.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

The Mafia:Detroits New Mayor

Yes Detroit has a new mayor and he is mafia controlled just like the previous one. What the mafia does is simply bet on all the horses in the race. Like that its assured of wining. Dave Bing the new mayor is a nice guy but just like his opponent Ken Cockrel he is owned by the mafia.
Mike Illich a mafia front man clearly was backing both candidates. What does this mean for Detroit? The mafia still has the keys to the cities treasury. And that isnt good. Detroit has the hightest childhood proverty rate for any large city in the United States and Canada. Blight and poverty cover the city. There are no city services.
In the mean time Illich a man who sucked his way up from a street corner whore to a Mafia front man now runs the city for the mafia's benefit. His wallet grows fatter while everyone else in Detroit is living in poverty.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

The Loyality Test:Free Traders Must Step Forward

The President's proposal to elminate tax breaks for corporations that ship American jobs overseas is more then fair. Globalization is synomous with unfair trading practices. Big business moves jobs out of the country then the government subsidizes it with tax breaks. Big coporations can ship their jobs where ever they want to but the American people shouldnt be subsidizing it. This is a carryover from the Dutch Regan administration and it must be stopped.
This so called globalization has ruined the American economy and made it difficult for consumers to earn enough to pay their bills.
Real Americans support free trade that is fair to everyone not just the big corporations.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Detroits Mafia Boss Mike Illich Speaks Out of Both Sides of His Ass Hole

Recently there was an article in Crains Detroit Business that was basically a public relations fluff job about Little Cesars Pizza. Little Cesars owned by Detroit mafia boss Mike Illich a few years back was on the verge of going bankrupt. It is now thriving after this close call with going under,according to Crains Detroit Business. What Crains left out was where did the money come from to rescue Little Cesars.
It sure didnt come Illich because he was close to being broke. And according to baseball commissioner Bud Selig,Illich was ready to walk away from the Tigers and the new stadium being built for the team.
The money to save Illich and his so called empire proably came from the warlord who controlled and ran Detroit for many years. Max Fisher was a bridge builder. He was Detroit's mafia boss and one of the biggest real estate developers in Michigan. Nothing happened in Detroit or Michigan without his ok. His word was law.
Illich was proably threatned by Fisher if he abondoned the Tigers and their new stadium that was built with public money. The money that saved Little Ceasers likely came form Detroit's treasury which Fisher controlled. This is the same soft spot that financed much of Illich's empire.
Since Crains wrote such a powder puff article about Illich and his empire it would only be fair if they did some serious reporting and sponsored a poll about what voters in Michigan think about casino gambling. Should casino gambling be ended in Michigan? This would be a good poll for Crains to sponsor since the Detroit News no longer is in business. The same type of pr reporting that Crain's did about Illich is what put the Detroit News out of business.
Detroit has had legalized casino gambling now for almost ten years and its almost wrecked the city. It would be interesting to see what the people of Michigan think of casino gambling. Lets have the poll.

Friday, May 01, 2009

Gm and Chrysler Must Be Nationalized

The best years are ahead for the automobile industry and the Obama administration could be making a mistake in letting a foreign company take over Chrysler. Nationalizing Chrysler would give the government more control over the process during the recovery. Fiat could make the same mistakes that Mercedes did in not understanding the American market.