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Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Real Reason For The Iraq War

Many analysts and pundits assume the the main reason for invading Iraq was because of oil. Iraq has a lot of it and after all world supplies according to the pro oil analysts are dwindling fast so we had to invade Iraq to control and protect these vast oil reserves for U.S. interests. The loop hole in that theory is that the United States when Bill Clinton was leaving office completely controlled everything that was going on in that region. Saddam Hussein and the leadership of Iran where both terrified of the U.S. The U.S. under Clinton's leadership had just fought and won the war in the baltic states. The U.S. at the time was the world King of the Hill.
Bush was controlled body and soul by Saudi Arabia(gave billions to the Bush family)and Big Oil and they wanted to punish Hussein for the first gulf war and teach any dictator that defied them that this is what happens to you by making an example of Hussein (Mafia Style).
The war was obviously a mistake and it punished the American people almost as much as the Iraqis. George Bush knew the truth at the time he told the american people about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program. That there was no program. Bush lied. The Iraq war while a big mistake was also fought poorly by the American generals. The same generals that now are advising Dr.Obama. Obama proably wont withdraw from the region as promised in his campaign but at the very least he could replace the generals and get some better advisers.
CLINTON FOUGHT THE WAR IN YUGOSALVIA RELUCTINGLY It was Europe that pleaded with the United States to enter the war and that is why we fought there. They were afraid it would spread to there countries. The only military action that Clinton wanted to take the inititive in was the war against the El quida. But the Repbulicans like Paddy Buchanan and his beautiful sister said they were nice people and werent bothering anyone. Paddy is such a great judge of people. He quotes Winston Churchill out of context in his book about World War II and thinks Hitler was a normal person. Paddy is just a hick.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Detroit Times Trading Recomdination:The Broker

A stock that looks ready for a rally is Northfolk Southern (NSC). It could easily rally 3 to 5 dollars from where its at now at around $32. Buy the stock itself or use in the money call options tommorrow. Our Natural Gas trade a month or so go was successful. Remember we are scalping the martket so take profits quickley when they are there or risk losing on the trade

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Why This Depression Will Likely Be Longer and More Devastating Then The Great Depression

In the great depression of the 1930' there wasnt an infusion of government aid for key industries like banking that were severly hurt by the downturn. And many of these companies failed during the depression. But as the storm subsided they were replaced by new companies with new managers who had fresh ideas and better business practices then the companies that went under. The direct aid that is now going to the banks and automobile industry is subsidizing bad managers and bad business practices. How is Gm helped by giving moveny to its present management team led by Butch "Dog Face" Wagoner? In the great depression someone like Wagoner would have been trashed quickley. But with the new government welfare packages for distressed businesses and excutives like Wagoner this depression could go on a long time. Let Darwinism rule and let the strong survive. This isnt to say that there shouldnt be aide to important industries. However the aid shouldnt subsidize bad business practices and poor managers like a Rick Wagoner. Gm and Chrysler must be nationalized. When the Little Three becomes the Big 3 again that will be the sign that this economic huricane is over with.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

What Now My Lovely

That is what the Obama administration would like to know. They are just treading water looking for a secret voice to tell them what to do. Althought they have some good programs that will help ease the pain for a while they havent come up with plans for a long term solution for what is causing the depression. The economy continues to worsen and the stock market likely will hit 6000 or even lower.
The very problem causing the economic turmoil has been completely ingnored. Goblalization! It is killing the american economy. Unless something is done to rebuild the automobile industry and our manufacturing base things are going to get worse.
So far Obama has just been a shill for the big coportions that backed hin in the elections . His foreign policy is just extension of George Bush's. The Iraq War is not winding down and its becoming a regional war and expanding into Pakistan and Afganistan.
Obama will be judged on how well he fixes the economy and ends the Iraqi conflict and so far he is missing the mark by a big margin.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Can New Management Really Make A Difference At Gm

Gm under the leadership of knockworst face Rick Wagoner has become a collection of worthless rusting factories that dont produce much of anything that consumers want to buy. A few short years ago Gm was locked in a fight with Italian automaker Fiat to honor an agreement that forced Gm to buy the company. Rather than honor the agreement Wagoner paid $2 billion to Fiat to get out of the option clause. Because Gm felt Fiat was just a collection of worthless rusting factories that didnt produce anything that conmsumers wanted.
Today under the leadership of Sergio Marchionne Fiat has not only come back from the vanquished but is considering taking a stake in Chrylser. And in the same 3 three short years that Fiat stagged its major comeback Gm has shrunk to become a worthless company staying afloat only because of the monthly welfare checks it receives from the government.
So yes changing management can make a big differnce. How dog face Wagoner not only stays in power but receives welfare checks form the goverment is anybodies guess especially after he was the dead head that ran Gm into the ground consequently destroying thousands of good paying jobs.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Gm's Wagoner Threatens Bankruptcy

And this is exactly what should happen to Gm. Wagoner Gm's chairman has threatened that unless Gm receives more bailout money that Gm will go into chater 11. Before he said he would never allow that to happen. But since Gm's new bankruptcy advisers have found a loop hole that makes the government liable for compensation to Gm if they went bankruptcy his tune has changed. He is a first class punk. However if the government nationalized Gm that wouldnt then apply since the government would be assuming all of Gm's debt obligations. Nationalization of the American automotive industry is imperative. Obama's bailout is a good plan because its trickle up economics that starts at the bottom ot the economic later and works its way up. Trickle down (Reganonmics) was just plain bullshit and the cause of many of our problems. However Obama's stimulation plan wont have a lasting effect without a healthy automobile industry. The United States must make a man on the moon effort to turn around our automobile industry and manufacturing base or risk losing everything in this recession-depression. Obama has been very weak and indescisive on this most important issue. We need an industrial policy asap.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

When Will The Economy Bottom

A good way of telling if the economy has hit bottom or not is when the people who caused the financial collapse are longer in power. Gm as bad off as they are proably hasnt bottomed yet. Bob Lutz just resigned. He is an automotive icon and wasnt the cause of Gm's problems. The decision that put the lid on Gm''s coffin was weather to concentrate on car production or building more suvs. Gm at a time other car companies where leaving the suv martekt decided to go full throttle into the Suv market. And they got slaughtered for doing it. But who made this fatal decision for Gm that caused them to lose their footing in the American automobile market. It was the chairman of Gm the notorious Rick(Duke)Wagoner that made this critical mistake and bad judgement. Yet it was Robert Lutz who was demoted. At the time Wagoner was making this monumental decision about suvs he was telling company insiders you are either with me or agin me. And if your agin me get out of the company. That Duke dosent tolerate disention to well. Until someone takes him by his big flappy ears and shows him the door the recession-depression will continue.
Obama's stimulus package is good legislation and deserves to pass. The banks really shouldnt get anymore money until the dumbies who caused this mess are out of office. Fuck the stock market. Domestically it appears that Obama is doing a good job. But he must concentrate on the automobile companies and rebuilding our manufacting base.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Righting the Automobile Industry Is Job One

One of the biggest mistakes of the Obama administration so far is not paying enough attention to the American automobile industry. That really is the place to start rebuilding the economy. His stimulus package is a good one but wont have a lasting affect without a strong viable auto industry. The American automoble industry really is the engine that will pull the economy out of this mess (the most lethal in years). The banks who really are the cause of the mortgage collapse should be left to deal with their own problems. Like that a lot of the bad management would be forced out. If housing prices started going up again that really would take care of most of the banks problems.
So how what would it take to get home prices back up? We dont produce anything anymore. Its all gone because of globalization. The high paying jobs that only the Automobile industry can provide would enable people to earn a big enough paycheck to buy houses and consumer products again.
Fords is making progress which is why they turned down the governments bailout money. They soon will be offering a product that is unique. In the fall they will be coming out with a mid-size sedan that gets better gas milage than just about any sub-compact or economy car. If the car is durable and holds up they have a sure fire hit. Gm and Chrysler are just about ready to close. The government cant keeping sending Gm monthly welfare checks. Gm should be nationalized. THE AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY SHOULD BE RECEIVING MOST OF DR.OBAMA'S ATTENTION AND IT ISNT AND THAT IS VERY DANGEROUS
The Detroit Times has received many requests from we assume(they didnt give ocupation) retirement planners commodity brokers,stock brokers,oil salesmen and other financial crooks to ask Bernard "Bernie" Madoff to post his pitch on the internet . Bernard Bernie Madoff is a first class crook showman. And it was our influence and pressure that kept him out of jail. So that is why we were asked to help. So Bernard Bernie could u please post your pitch and dealing with objections on your webb site. You will be helping your fellow cheats,liars and thieves improve their standard of living. Thank You! Bernard Berney

Friday, February 06, 2009

Obama's Presidency:Where Its Right and Where Its Wrong

Its nice to have a human being as President again instead of the barnyard animal that was forced on us . Obama 's presidency is a much more humane one then what just left the white house. Bush and Cheney think war is a nautural state just as long as they arent in it. I geniunely think Obama does care about the people and will try and improve the humane condition. His stimulus package is a good one but in
order for its effect to be lasting the countries industrial and manufacturing base must be rebuilt. Other wise whatever else happens wont stick. Golbalization has been a big failure and has damaged the american economy. Companies like Gm that forced their suppliers to move production overseas are now hanging on by a thread. Rick Wagoner a true imcompetent must go. Much of Gm's production was moved to Mexico a long time ago where they pay 3 or 4 dollars an hour. Maybe thats to much.
Obama'foreign policy is his weak spot and for that reason I still would pick John McCain over Obama. It looks like Obama is subsituting Pakistan for Iraq. Big mistake. Obama sent special greeting to Iran and they slammed the door on his head. They have no interest in talking. Why should they talk when thanks to Bush they are sitting pretty ready to become a nucular power

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Arnie You Panzie: What Would The Fuhrer Think

The people of California thought they were electing Arnie The Terminator and instead they got Arnie the Panzie to be their governor. The state is in a financial crisies and everything having to do with state government is in dissarey. A big part of this has to due with Arnie the Panzies poor performance as governor. He is the sweet heart of every special interest group and dosent have the leadership or poltical skills needed to work with the state legistlature in getting bills past. Arnie as governor may be why democracy is an outmoted form of government. Because we get to many George Bush's and Arnie the Panzies elected to office who dont have the skills needed for the job. They just know how to get elected.
Maybe we do need a Fuhrer. I do know the Fuhrer who Arnie has expressed admiration for in the past would be dissappointed with the way this panzie has run the government.
Many voters thought foolishly that by electing Arnie the Panzied that they where in fact getting a Fuhrer. The Los Angeles Times before S.G. did an excellent investigation on Arnie. First it came out that Arnie had raped 10 woman,then 20 women,then 30 women and each time woman voters would say Vonderful,Vonderful! He is such a vonderful man. I dont think home owners and tax payers are singing that tune anymore as the states financial crisis worsens and shuts down.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

This Isnt Anytime To Screw Around

The countries the United States competes with on a global basis are now hovering over the U.S. like vulchers waiting to strike at a dead or weakened American carcuss. Putin a brilliant man and tough adversary(HE outmanuvered Bush and put the claw hold on him)wants to be the strong man that controlls the world's energy supply. A recent article in the New York Times showed how cunning and ruthless he can be in protecting Russia's role as an energy supplier. He who controls the supply controls the price. While the U.S. makes a feeble attempt to find a solution to our domestic problems the world is marching on without us. I seriously question weather we have the smarts to find a solution to our problems and go head to head with a man like Putin. The American people elected a barn yard animal like Bush and his new replacement Obama may not have the experience to make good foreign policy. Talking to Iran without first getting anything from them is a major mistake. We are giving credablity to rogue government. Obama increasing American involvment in Afganistan and Pakistan is a suckers trap but understandable. The american military industrial complex poured billions into Obama's campaign and now they have to be paid back. They need a war. So ok. Obama couldnt have won without their help. But while we make these feeble attempts at restoring the economy and rebuilding our status in the world Putin and China are standing in the wings waiting for their chance to pounce.