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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Because of The Iraq War..........

Because of the Iraq War Iran is the most powerful country in the middle east and will soon have the bomb. Because of the Iraq War the most influential world leader is not an American president. Because of the Iraq War the United States may very well be in a economic crisis that it dosent know how to end. Because of the Iraq war the United Stated could be pushed to bankruptcy. Because of the Iraq War thousands of young American lives have been ruined. Because of the Iraq War thousands of Iraqi lives have been ruined. Because of the Iraq War............

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Who to vote for Hillary or Obama

The American economy is very close to falling into a 1930's depression. The stock market and housing is in almost in a free fall and no one is even trying to pick a bottom. The cure all from congress and the Bush administration is something like playing poker with the houses money. When that money is gone then what? A real solution is to create a strong economy that provides the average worker with a living wage. The cause of the mortage crisis is that homeowners didnt have the income to support the way they where living. So they lived off the apreecitation of their homes. Many of the good paying jobs that supported the American worker have been shipped overseas by the Bush administration. The United States is experiencing Ronald Regans leagacy. America must begin rebuilding its economy again to support our citizens and retain our leadership in the world. The problem is we dont have the money for a long term solution. Because of Republican mismanagement the United States is heavily in debt and now will have to start paying down the trillion dollar cost of the Iraq war. The United States faced with this and other problems must elect a President who can provide leadership. Barack Obama's is controlled by the big special interest groups like the utility companies that has gotten this couintry into so much trouble. He is a very strong supporter of nucular energy and wanted to bomb Pakistan earlier this year. The American people have one last chance to save ourselves.. Bill Clinton was a great president and he and wife are the problem solvers needed to prevent the next great depression. So in the up comming primaries vote like it counts. You can either vote for someone untested and controlled by big special interest groups or a proven leader who presided over one of the strongest economies in the history of the United States.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Crud in the Democratic Party is Lining up behind Barack Obama

The mafia controlled unions and the special interests groups like the utiltity companies that want nucular energy are showing there support forObama. That symbol of defeat and weakness John Kerry has also endorsed Obama. Its hard to believe that people who want to rid polticals of big money and special interst groups like the utility companies would vote for Obama because he is their candidate. He has very little foreigh policy experience. If the United States had bombed Pakistan like Obama wanted to it would only have inflamed that area much worse than it already is. The American people must bring back the kind of government policies that worked when Bill Clinton was president. And most people realize that and want good government and that is why I think Hillory Clinton will be the next president...>>>>>>> It looks like the American dollar will rally against dollar although it will be brief

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Hillory Clinton Needs To Become A Purple Cow

The American people are attracted to charm over substance and that is what the Iowa priamaries have shown. The two candidates with the most charm and least amount of substance won the elections. Hillary Clinton still has a good chance of winning the up coming priamaries even though she isnt as good a speaker as the other candidates. Her husband was a great president but he is twenty years older now and has been sick since he first ran for president. I think many people have forgotten how good of a president he was. Being president is like leading a whining bunch kids thru a field loaded with hidden land mines. Clinton with tremondous skill avoided the vast majority of traps and got the country to the other side safely. The presidency of George Bush has shown the world that isnt an easy feat. Bush has hit every trap and land mine put in front of him. And the country is teetering on a depression and our foreign policy is so ineffective that Alaender Putin is now viewed as the most influential world leader. I think if Barack Obama or Huckabee become president that downturn will continue. Obama wanted to bomb Packistan and thinks nucluer engery is the anwer to the energy crisis. Huckabee tax proposal was written on Hee Haw. Hillory Clinton has to step out of the box and make innovative proposals to the american people. Most of her speeches are designed to be safe so no one is afended or alienated,which makes them boring. Hillary Clinton needs to become a purple cow.