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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Boycott Citibank

Robert Rubin is endangering the security of this country by allowing Arab-Opec money to prop up Citibank. It greatly increases the chances of more 9-11's as Opec countries become emblodened to carry out such attacks knowing the American people wont retalate as happened during 9-11. Saudi Arabia was the country behind 9-11 and yet they werent attacked by American war planes. Why ? Because they own the whole fucken country thanks to the Bush family. What Rubin is doing now will help Opec strangle the United States. Saudi Arabia is charging a premium price for oil $100 a barrel and taking that money and buying America on the cheap for next to nothing. Robert Rubin and Citibank are only making a bad situation worse by accepting Arab-Opec money . =======Unless Gm's new fusion car comes to market soon the end isnt to far off. Gm's excutives lied and misled investors about Gm's prospects for a turn around and now Consumers Reports has panned there new products as just average or sub-par. Gm will proably be bought out by an Asian or European competitor.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Is Peak Demand Near for Oil Consumption

There has been considerable speculation about whether oil supplies have peaked and hit there limit, but not a lot of thought about how soon demand for oil will start falling. In the 1990's there was considerably more concern that oil use was reaching an end because of global warming and crude oil fell to all times lows. The oil companies and Saudi Arabia bounced back and got politician elected like George (Hud)Bush and Arnie (the panzie)Shartznagger that rigged the system in favor of more oil consumption and not less. Arnie (the panzie) has killed plans for rail and mass transit sytems in California and increased spending for highways and when its clear Calilfornia needs more rail systems in the state. People are now getting scared because of sever droughts acroos the country and peak demand for oil might be a lot closer than you think.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Is The Iraq War Winnable?

The newsmedia (Fox News and Usa Today) are presenting a case that the Iraq war is something that can be won. While Iran has cutback on the weapons it sends to the insurgents the war continues. And the insurgents have actually become more powerful as they infiltrate and extort money from Iraqi businessman who receive government contracts. The most likely senerio for the Iraq War is that it goes on for a long time and takes the look of Russia's involment in Afaganistan. It will be very costly for the American people in terms of quality of life and standard of living but the war will be very supportive of higher oil prices. Since there now is only one poltical party in the United States now The Military Industrial Oil and Gas party all the polticians will support it.=====General Motors--For years Gm's management has lied about the company's perfermance and future and now the truth has come out. Things are not good at Gm and the future is very dim. Rick Wagoner must go... A weak Uaw has given gm concessions it shouldnt have. ------Citygroup Robert Rubin is a disgrace. For somebody who is an American and a Jew its a disgrace to work for a Saudi Arabian company like Citygroup

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Our Failing Democracy

The city of Detroit has become a wastland, something out of the movies Road Warrior and Blade Runner. Its main industries are casnio gambling, narcotics trafficing and prostitution. When Mike Illich a member of Detroits mafia and owner of both the Detroit Tigers and a gambling casino envisioned this new Detroit he wanted to create an enviroment that provided a complete entertainment package where you could gamble, get high and get a piece
of ass all in the same evening. And he has succeeded beyond what anyone thought possable. He also ruined what was left of Old Detroit a great industrial city in creating this new Detroit. The average person in metropolitan Detroit has taken a horrible beating in this transciton. They have lost there jobs and there homes and yet they still vote for mafia backed polititcans. Have they learned anything? If a candidate isnt corrupt or a crook they think he nuts and wont vote for him. And yess your average potlicker in Michigan overwhelmingly supports casion gambling and worships the ground Mike Illich walks on. At the same time the schools are a mess and children arent getting educated and jobs leave much faster than they are created. Demcracy isnt working in Michigan or in the country as a whole. Its a great system and idea but your average potlicker has no interest in it. A system where civic organizaations pick the office holders might be a better one for the potlicker generation. That may head off a totaliatiarn government or worse a dictorshipp.