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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Dmv must be stopped from extorting money for parking tickets

The only solution to end the way the Los Angeles police and meter maids extort money from Los Angeles residents and motorists is to stop the practice of The Department of Motor Vechile acting as a collection agency for rougue city government who pray on unsupecting citizens. The Dmv collects money for parking tickets for cities when people go to renew there license or registration. That is unfair and makes them a bully and part of the extortation. The average person has very little imput into how his city government is run. In Los Angeles its the real estate developers who run everything and pick the so called elected officials. The city has given beady eyed Eli Broad and his close asscoicate Anshultz from Denver hundreds of millions of public dollars. Where do u think the money comes from. Good part from money raised from parking and traffic tickets. The average person has no controll over how much in public subsidies Broad and Anshultz get from the city. Therefore citizens shouldnt be forced to pay outrages parking tickets to the dmv There is a good article in Busness Monthly about parking tickets. Its a free newspaper.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Old Family Habits are Hard to Surpress :George Bush is rounding up the Jews

The Bush administration is targeting jews who have fought to safe guard civil liberties at time when the average person is losing rights gurarrentteed in the constituation. Jewish lawyers like Godfrey Feiger and Stephan Yagman are being targeted and over charged simply because they are liberals and fought to safe guard and protect the individual from abusive government. Is the Bush adiministration planning something new like an attack on our civil rights? Possibly. The military commission act does away with due process and habus corpus and allows the government to yank anyone off the street and lock them without charging them with a crime. And now the Bush administration is locking up the very people who would fight to protect the average american civil rights. People must protest the unfair targeting of those who fight to protect every american's rights under the constituation

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Could Los Angeles' pension plan look like another Enron

Should the real estate market in Los Angeles suffer a deep downturn the Los Angeles city pension fund could look like Enrons. Los Angeles mayor is a lacky or shill for Philip Anshultz and Eli Broad and the other big real estate developers in Los Angeles. The mayor has virtullay turned over the cities pension funds over to these developers to invest in very risky projects. It really is a dangerous way to invest the future of the cities workers

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Lester Murdock and George Bush both Saudi collaborators

Its funny how George Bush and his family did everything they could to get him out of the Vietnam War and the draft and now he compares The Iraq War with noble war efforts like World War II. George Bush is a real visonary. A better historical figure that Bush should be comparted with is General George Armstrong Custer. =====The Significance of Lester Murdock"s purchase of the Wall Street Jornal is that money talks and bullshit walks. The bankcroft family didnt want to sell the paper to old Lester but the Wall Street Jouranl was losing money. And Lester had a pile of it. Where does that Old cocker get his money . How can he afford to buy a paper and then wait 30 years before it makes money? He is supplied by our friends the Saudis. So they blew up New York city. Shit happens. The real question is can America make it without Saudi money. Lesters offer was the only serious one for the paper

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Fed : Should or Shouldn't It

The Federal Reserve will provide liquidty to the banking system based on what is good for the economy and not to help or punish the investors who bought the bundles of sub-prime mortages. The cause of the collapes in the mortgage market was caused simply because home owners simply couldnt afford their house payments. Bailing out the investors who bought those mortages is putting make-up on acne. It just covers the problem temporly,but the problem is still there and when the make-up wears off your still dealing with the same circumstances. The mortgage market must be allowed to work out theses problems with out the fed bailing anyone out. Los Angeles====The mayor of Los angeles must resign. People are going to wait for buses longer drive in bumper to bumper traffic simply becauses the mayor cant function as a mayor any longer. He cant lobby for money for mass transit or better traffic flows simply because of his poor personal conduct that tarnished Los Angeles image to the world. He simply didnt just have an affair which would have been his own busnesses but he had sex with a news correspent to influnence a school broad election to further Eli Broads school restructing plan. The plan if enacted will bring more corrruption to Los Angeles schools. The mayor must go. Los Angeles is just a couple of steps away from a full blown riot

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Villaraigosa must go!!!!!!!

The mayor of Los Angeles Antonio Villaraigosa is unable to do the cities businesses anymore and must be forced to leave or the citizens of Los Angeles will be penalized. The mayor cant lobby for more money from the state legislature for much needed things like mass transit because of his personal conduct. Reporters hounded him where every he goes. His personal conduct has tarnished Los Angeles. While mayor he has given beady eyed evil Eli Broad hundreds of millions of dollars for downtown projects that are going to hurt the city. He has given other real estate developers access to the cities pension plan which could leave city workers without a pension if the real estate market collapes. And at the same time the cities resident go without adaquet police protection because the police force is busy extorting money from motorists instead of catching buglars. He has made disperging or even anti semtic remarks about older jewish women. The mayor runs Los Angeles like some thirld world city out in the sticks instead of the way it should be governed. Villaraigosa must go!!!!!

Friday, August 03, 2007

National Potlicker day lands on May2

A new holiday has been created on May 2 of every year called National Potlicker day. Its the day that all the potlickers in the land and there are millions stood up and cheered George Bush as one of the great presidents in American history. That happened just a few years ago back in 2003. Ifen all these potlickers stood up and cheered George Bush and voted for him then how could he go to being the worst president in history in such a short time? It could be that the poltical system we have in place is to advanced for your average potlicker. Take the teamsters they have litteraly voted for there jobs being taken away and given to Mexican truck drivers who will work for much lower wages. The teamsters voted overwhelinly for George Bush in both elections and now Bush has agreed to allow Mexican truck drivers to bring there freight into the United States cutting the teamsters out of a job. Why did the teamsters support George Bush for the same reason most American stood up and saluted George Bush on May 2 2003. They all potlickers. Hence forth May 2 is national potlicker day in honor of the average potlicker voting his country away to make America a better place for our Saudi masters.