The Dmv must be stopped from extorting money for parking tickets
The only solution to end the way the Los Angeles police and meter maids extort money from Los Angeles residents and motorists is to stop the practice of The Department of Motor Vechile acting as a collection agency for rougue city government who pray on unsupecting citizens. The Dmv collects money for parking tickets for cities when people go to renew there license or registration. That is unfair and makes them a bully and part of the extortation. The average person has very little imput into how his city government is run. In Los Angeles its the real estate developers who run everything and pick the so called elected officials. The city has given beady eyed Eli Broad and his close asscoicate Anshultz from Denver hundreds of millions of public dollars. Where do u think the money comes from. Good part from money raised from parking and traffic tickets. The average person has no controll over how much in public subsidies Broad and Anshultz get from the city. Therefore citizens shouldnt be forced to pay outrages parking tickets to the dmv There is a good article in Busness Monthly about parking tickets. Its a free newspaper.