Israel must get rid of its prime minister before he destroys the country. He fights like an old women instead of a lean tough boxer. The Arabs are becoming more disciplined and smarter fighters while Israel is becoming pugdy and fat around the sides. Israel dirty little secreat is that its ladden with corruption and its ruining the country's ablity to fight and effecting the economy. The current prime minister is a corrupt hack politican that should be forced to quit before he destroy Israels military edge. He is Isreal's George Bush. Shaul Mofax a brilliant military stragedist and a great defense minister was put in the transportataion department because the current prime minister viewed him as a political competitor even though Mofax was the most qualified person to be running Israels military. MICHIGAN=== The voters there will soon elect a Mafia princess as there Governernor. Jennifor Granholm is owned body and soul by Detroit's Mafia bosses. Detroit has legalized casino gambling and its wrecked the city and states economy but the kicker is that the casinos dont pay the taxes there supposed to pay in other words they under pay there tax. They are able to do this because Jennifer Granholm dosent force them to pay the taxes they are supposed to. That is why they put her in office. Mike Illich the owner of the Detroit Tigers is one of the casino owners. He is either a front for organized crime or in fact a crime boss himself and a big backer of Jennifer Granholm. LOS ANGELES=====Warner Brothers has had a horrable year at the box office. They have lost a ton of money. There is current speculation Mr. Horn will be replaced soon. WASHINGTON=== Everyone is wondering if George Bush will be impeached if the Democrats win.